You will be parking in the Shaw Ramp located at 592 N Shaw Ln East Lansing, MI 48824. You will want to park in the lower level, and then use the pay by plate machines located near the elevator to ensure you will not get a ticket during the day. Please use the code provided by the conference organizers for parking on us if you do not already have a student/staff MSU parking pass. 
The machine will prompt you through the process. The steps will be in this order: 
1. Enter full license plate number
2. Select duration  
3. Do you have a validation code?  (Select 1 for yes) 
4. Enter validation code number provided by conference organizers
5. The last option is would you like a receipt? Yes or No. 
You do not need to put the receipt on your vehicle's dash. 
The conference will be held on the lower level of the Minskoff Pavilion.